About Us

We make STRONGER, LIGHTER gypsum paper

Republic Paperboard Company, LLC grew from what was originally the Republic Group, a wallboard manufacturing company based in the Southwest United States. In 1997 Republic Group under took the task of building a new paper mill, utilizing technology that would enable the manufacture of lighter and stronger gypsum liner. This facility was built in Lawton, Oklahoma. Lawton was chosen due to its favorable location, reasonable cost of living and the availability of a skilled workforce.

Republic broke ground in May of 1998 and production began in November of 1999. The stronger, lighter gypsum paper created a market for Republic and saved money for its customers. In 2000 Republic Paperboard was purchased by Centex Construction Products based in Dallas, Texas. In 2004. Centex Corporation spins off Centex Construction Products and the new company’s name was Eagle Materials.

Mission Statement

Through teamwork, adhering to Core Values, and the commitment to bring returns to stakeholders, Republic Paperboard Company is dedicated to safely and profitably providing customers with high-quality products and services that provide them a competitive advantage in their marketplace.


  • Constructed in 1998; start up in 1999
  • Designed to produce lightweight gypsum liner
  • Original design capacity of 275,000 tons
  • Produced gypsum liner exclusively for several years
  • Open production capacity existed in late 2005, began manufacturing containerboard products (linerboard and medium)
  • As the housing/commercial starts continued to decline through 2008
  • Republic further diversified its product capabilities and markets served to include recycled bag liner (brown and white)
  • Throughout the gypsum liner market downturn production demand remained at 100% and the business operated in a sold out condition

Core Values

Republic Paperboard has identified the following core values that embody the underlying values and form the foundation for successful operations:


    Ensuring the safety of all through the control of hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk


    Giving customers the best and unmatched results for optimal satisfaction


    Acting with honesty, consistency of actions, values and principles without compromising the truth


    Giving due respect to self and others, maintaining an environment of team work and growth

  • Accountability

    Exercising responsibility in our actions that influence the lives of customers and co-workers


  • Assertive management team with strong motivation and high energy to move forward
  • Seasoned leadership and staff with decades of paper making experience
  • Nimble company with the ability to respond to customer needs in a very timely manner; can react quickly to change
  • Demonstrated capability to deliver results for the business through new market development, expansion of sales relationships and operational performance
  • Committed to the long-term development and improvement of gypsum liner business; exercise continuous improvement efforts in all facets of the business